belize deep sea fishing tours

Belize Deep Sea Fishing Tours

Deep Sea Fishing

Deep sea fishing for large game fish is a favorite at Blue Marlin Resort. The name for the lodge originated when a blue marlin was caught right in front of the island years before the caye became a tourist destination. In addition to blue marlin, many other pelagic species are caught close by, including yellowfin tuna, mackerel, bonito, wahoo, and sailfish.

At the atolls, such as Glover’s Reef, waters plummet thousands of feet only 200-300 feet from the reef crest on all sides of the atolls making these areas oases in a desert of deep blue ocean.  Fishing here offers something for everyone and packs an amazing punch of excitement and challenge! Sharks, mackerel, barracuda, dorado (also known as mahi-mahi and common dolphin), wahoo, and kingfish are all plentiful and readily caught on a good day of trolling. 

We mainly go for large, aggressive predatory species and these include, but are not limited to:

SAILFISHIstiophorus americanus

Caught regularly from January through June.  Particularly in  April and May over the week of the full moon. Potential is strictly for sportsfish. Up to 73 lbs. in size have been caught locally. It is caught  anywhere outside the reef.

BLACKFIN TUNA – Thunnus atlanticus

Many blackfin tuna schools definitely reported at Glover’s Reef.  Tuna feed on sardines and herring.

ALBACORE TUNA – similar to Thunnus alalunga – Thunnus atlanticus
Feeds on mackerel, herring and sardines. Often caught locally by Kingfish trollers, during February, March, and April.
BONITO – Katsuwonus pelamis – Thunnus atlanticus
About 2 ft long and 20 lbs weight. Schooling occurs April through June.
YELLOWFIN TUNA – similar to Thunnus catalinae P.

Quantities unknown. Caught occasionally the first half of the year. This is a deep swimming fish and not usually seen, but definitely present. Recommended gear is longline. Hot location reputed to be 15 miles southeast of Glovers Reef south point. Weight about 125 lbs. Surface water temperature of above 69 degrees farenheit recommended above a shallow thermocline of about 30 fathoms.

BLUEFIN TUNAThunnus thynnus

A rare one landed occasionally. This is a constantly moving pelagic fish.  A surface water temperature of above 69 degrees Farenheit needed for successful catches. Runs up to 800 lbs in weight.

Belize deep sea fishing tours

Deep Water Fishing

Deep water trolling for larger species including barracuda, king mackerel, jacks, cubera snapper, wahoo, tuna,  and mahi mahi.

Boat: 34 feet Black Orchid with twin 150 HP
Equipment: all equipment provided

Minimum 3 hours (6 to 7 hours is average fishing time for most guests)

6 Persons max

US$900 for 1-3 people

Each additional person is $60
Each additional hour is $300
Prices do not include 12.5% local tax

Belize Deep Sea Fishing Tours

Specialty Deep Sea Charter

Deep water bill fishing for larger species including marlin, sailfish, wahoo, maji maji.

Boat: 36 foot Intrepid Center Console with Cuddy Cabin, Twin 300 hp Yamahas

Full day fishing (6-8 hours)

2-4 anglers

Equipment: all equipment provided


Prices do not include 12.5% local tax

Half day fishing (4 hours)

2-4 anglers


Prices do not include 12.5% local tax

“The best part is the location right on edge of reef with excellent bone fishing off dock on west side, and quick access to deep sea fishing on east side. No need to waist a lot of time getting to fish, they're right off the island! We spend most of our vacation time fishing, and this is a spot we'll continue to come back to...
Also, fantastic snorkeling, diving, and spear fishing.”
Tripadvisor review (tg90266)